Dry Fire Training Cards


Dry Fire Training Cards are a collection of 50 + dry fire training exercises and drills that cover firearms fundamentals, advanced concepts, dry fire exercise drills, dry fire complex movement drills, and low-light drills.

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Dry Fire Training Cards pick up where high-speed instructors leave off. They are a collection of 50 + dry fire training exercises and drills that cover firearms fundamentals, advanced concepts, dry fire exercise drills, dry fire complex movement drills, and low-light drills. They don’t replace live training…they are a force multiplier that will allow you to create neural pathways (muscle memory) and hardwire perfect form into your subconscious mind faster (and cheaper) than what is humanly possible with just live fire or traditional dry fire alone. Even better, there’s plenty of variety… so you won’t get bored!

National Tactical Officer’s Association (NTOA) Member Tested And Recommended

More than 50 Dry Fire Drills that come straight from US Special Operations and champion competitive shooters.

80% of defensive engagements happen in low light conditions, so a full 1/4 of the drills are low light drills.

Every drill can be done alone or with a training partner.

Picks up where high-speed live fire training leaves off so you can affordably lock in skills with an absolute minimum of time and money.

Besides low light drills, there are drills to lock in fundamentals, learn/hone advanced tactics, exercise-based drills, and complex motion drills included specifically for their ability to help shooters develop neural pathways (muscle memory) in a fraction of the time required with traditional training.

Additional information

Weight 3.4 oz
Dimensions 9 × 6.5 × 1.8 cm