American Cop Magazine Highlights BarrelBlok

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The team at American Cop magazine recognized the value of dry fire, but doing so safely. In a recent article written by Erick Gelhaus BarrelBlok is mentioned, along with other great tools relating to safe dry practice.

We appreciate the mention and the effort to support American Gun Owners to train and to reduce the risk of negligent discharges!

You can read the full article here.

DryFire King Recommends BarrelBlok For Safe Dry Fire is a relatively newcomer on the market that produces training videos for gun owners who which to train at home.

Each video presents a number of IPSC-style stages intended to look realistic and similar to what you might find at your local club match.
dryfire king

Subscribers to the DryFire King videos will notice a change with the November video. A new safety disclaimer at the beginning encourages the use of BarrelBlok.
DryFire King Safety Message

“We think the DryFire King videos are an awesome tool for competitive shooters and for defensive shooters who will give them a try,” says BarrelBlok President Jacob Paulsen. “And we are grateful to work with Dry Fire King to encourage safe practices during at-home dry fire.”

You can learn more about DryFire King by visiting their website at

Learn more about BarrelBlok by visiting their website at

Outdoor Wire Highlights BarrelBlok Expansion

On Thursday The Outdoor Industry’s “Daily Transactions Newsletter,” The Outdoor Wire, highlighted a significant achievement of BarrelBlok.

BarrelBlok, now being in use by law enforcement agencies in more than half of US states.

Click the below image to see the details and consider subscribing the The Outdoor Wire!

the outdoor wire


Safety Before Movement – S12 Sets Example With BarrelBlok

The most professional firearm instructors in the world know that if you push students beyond their capabilities it creates an unsafe environment for everyone.

This is why it has become commonplace in live fire classes for both law enforcement and armed citizens to run some drills dry before running them with live guns.

Doing so provides an opportunity for students to practice the motions and understand the potential hazards while simultaneously allowing the instructor(s) to observe their students and identify if there are any significant safety concerns before loading up the guns and going live.

So, I wasn’t surprised at the recent S12 Challenge, put on by CarryTrainer in Tennessee when lead instructor Mickey Schuch told the class we were going to be doing some dynamic movement drills dry before we did them live.

The next thing Mickey did was the smartest thing a firearm trainer can do. He retrieved bags of BarrelBloks and handed them out to each student and with the assistance of the assistant instructors, every gun on the line was BarrelBlok’d.

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New Verb: To BarrelBlok. Example: “Before I started my dry fire routine I BarrelBlok’d my gun”

This had several important impacts that day in the training session.

First, the instructors and staff could see without exception that every gun was truly safe and inert. No need to triple-check and have your neighbor look into your gun to confirm. No need to remove the live ammo and magazines from the students. That orange stick, hanging out the end of the muzzle represents an absolute guarantee that the gun is safe.

Second, the students on the line could look left and look right and know that every gun on the line was safe and inert. That assurance created an environment where each student could focus on the instructions and focus on building strong habits through the exercise without worrying that someone else on the line was going to put an extra hole where it didn’t belong.

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Lastly, it set an example to every shooter in the class of the proper method to render a gun safe before starting a dry fire practice session or drill. These students will go home better prepared to conduct safe at-home dry fire.

BarrelBlok Used During Trauma Medicine Course

This fall, Brian McLaughlin of Mountain Man Medical developed and presented a new class “Trauma Medicine in a Hostile Environment” at the 2022 Guardian Conference and the 2022 Active Self Protection Bullets and Bibles Conference.

During the class, students’ firearms were cleared and rendered safe with BarrelBloks preceding a dry fire exercise in which students engaged targets while responding to instructor commands to address life-threatening bleeding in an arm or leg.

BarrelBlok used in medical trauma class

The “Stop The Bleed” certifying training course was attended by over 70 people during the 2 conferences. Students benefited from the stress-induced drill which created an environment in which they had to balance between shooting and the application of tourniquets at the same time.

BarrelBlok is perfect for this application as it guarantees with absolute certainty the safety of the firearm with a visual indicator visible to all students in the class and the instructor. It provides peace of mind as it relates to safety so the students can focus on learning new skills and through experience and observation identify mistakes and learn from the unique challenges presented.