See Jays’s Full Review Of BarrelBlok
Well-known YouTube personality and law enforcement officer Jay Helmsing takes viewers through an extensive evaluation of BarrelBlok. Learn why Jay now uses BarrelBlok for his dry-fire training.
Live Interview With Co-Inventor Of BarrelBlok
Jacob and Riley from conduct an in-depth interview with Jason, co-inventor of the BarrelBlok, and how and why it was developed.
Survival On Purpose – “Barrel Blok Dry Fire Training Aid – Prevent Negligent Discharge”
Bryan does a great job showing the numerous safety benefits of BarrelBlok in dry fire practice.
BarrelBlok Featured In USCCA’S “Tactical Tuesday” Episode
Steve and Mike with the USCCA speak with BarrelBlok co-inventor Jason about BarrelBlok.
BarrelBlok Featured On “Into The Fray”
Concealed Carry Magazine Editor-in-Chief and host of “Into The Fray,” Kevin Michalowski, shares with viewers the ease and simplicity of using BarrelBlok to make your firearm safe for dry-fire training.